"To harness the power of the weasel is to see our nation's dependence on fossil fuels decline" - Dr. Randall Barrett Wallace-Jones
Is weasel power the key to surviving the next century? With the recent events in the Gulf it must now be given serious consideration. If we can reduce the strain on a coal based grid using alternative forms of "critter-based power" even the smallest amount, the cost of the research out weighs most other considerations. My work proves this to be a possibility. The challenge is getting those in charge to listen.
A positive development as recently official representatives of your government graced my doorstep. Claiming to be law enforcement officers they reeked of "Energy Dept." careerist hack. After snooping about for what I can only assume was my research notes they read some papers about attempted presidential communication or some other nonsense and left me to my studies. Luckily they did not request to see the bomb shelter. My research is safe. As my lights flicker I'm reminded of the remarks of Pope Ludicrous IV, "even the least of least weasel yearns for his kibble and we yearn the lessons of righteousness."